Electrical systems & devices make our lives simpler and more convenient. But because we use them so often, we often neglect & forget that they can also cause safety hazards and harm, when they’re not handled properly.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about a few common electrical hazards at home and what you can do to prevent them from causing dangerous accidents and damage.

Overloaded outlets

Like most homes, you probably have multiple appliances and electrical devices that need to be plugged into an electrical socket or outlet. This includes your refrigerator, microwave, oven, TV, and even mobile devices.

However, these outlets only supply a certain amount of power and too many devices can overload their power capacities. This can result in electrical short circuits, overheating, outlets not working, or worse.

Instead of overloading your outlets, it’s best to install additional outlets throughout your home.

Misuse of extension cords

People also tend to misuse their extension cords, especially during the holiday season. Like your power outlets, extension cords should never be overloaded and plugged up with too many devices. This could cause the extension cord, as well as everything plugged into it to overheat, spark, or worse.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure to inspect extension cords for damage before using
  • Replace any frayed extension cords or ones that have loose plugs
  • Unplug devices when they’re not in use
  • Store them safely when not in use
  • Keep extension cords away from wet areas and water

Damaged wires

Damaged wires are also electrical safety hazards. Your wires could be old, frayed, worn out, or chewed on by pets or unwanted pests in your home. If they are damaged in some way, stop using them immediately and replace them instead.

Avoid trying to fix damaged wires with electrical tape & consult a reliable electrician before attempting to DIY an electrical repair.

Wet hands or water

Everyone knows electricity and water is not a good combo. Make sure your outlets, wires, extension cords, and appliances are placed away from water sources. Always dry your hands thoroughly before picking up, plugging, or unplugging any electrical device to prevent electrical shocks.

Curious kids

While it’s important for kids to explore their curiosities, that doesn’t apply to certain things, such as electrical devices and systems. So always make sure to keep an eye on your kids when they explore your home or other places and keep electrical equipment out of their reach.

Faulty fire alarms

Finally, having a trusty fire safety system can be a huge help in case of emergencies caused by electrical hazards.

Neglecting maintenance for your fire safety systems or worse, not having one, can make these emergencies worse. Make sure your home is equipped with a reliable fire safety system that fits your needs.
Life is easier with our electrical systems and devices, but we need to learn how to use them properly to prevent safety hazards at home.

If you need help with electrical installation, repair, inspection, and more, Advanced Tech has a team of electrical experts to help you find solutions that take care of your needs and protect your home. Start with a free quote or call 866-552-9035.